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Columbia Business Monthly


Planned expressly as South Carolina’s state capital, Columbia has grown from a busy cotton and textile town into a government powerhouse, military training center, locus of higher education, and flourishing financial haven. Home to multinational corporations, boutique businesses, and all the intermediaries, the city is recognized for its livability and solid business climate. While Columbia caters to a diversity of markets, it is especially devoted to the fields of healthcare, insurance, manufacturing, and banking. Columbia Business Monthly keeps abreast of all these various enterprises, sharing news of start-ups, relocations, and developments as they occur. We explore the operations and philosophies of featured companies on a regular basis, highlighting their practices and successes to prove the value of community dynamism. We also offer a broad perspective on the business climate from folks in the know, granting our readers a practical, experienced outlook.

Last Updated: Aug 18, 2023 02:53PM • Subscribe via RSSATOM